Python mysql ssh tunnel
Python mysql ssh tunnel

python mysql ssh tunnel

That being said Glenn, I still can't get the WITH AS part of the code to work and it just gets stuck forever. That is you need to actually click the "Add" button after you have added the port to forward, I was silly enough not to (clicking Open straight away). To do this however an additional step is required of forwarding the port 3333 to the tunnel. I do have a local server running (on port 3306) so I had both times set up the port source from 3333. Would suggest adding this to the page in the putty section as well for anyone as silly as me. I was indeed able to get the putty solution to work and it had nothing to do with the firewall or antivirus (although I did try turning them off to be thorough).

python mysql ssh tunnel

Hey glenn and anyone who stumbles across this in future. "Failed to Connect to MYSQL at :3306 through SSH tunnel a with user balcseĪccess denied for user (using password: YES)"


I had some troubles installing mysql (I have a Windows 10 machine) so I think the problem lies in that part but I also tried to connect to the database via pymysql, there I get the error 2003 "Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost'".Īlso tried to connect via MySQL Workbench, there I get the error The ssh-tunnel is established but after that nothing happens.

python mysql ssh tunnel

execute ( "SELECT VERSION(), CURRENT_DATE " )) con. local_bind_port, database = 'balcse$dbname', ) c = con. SSHTunnelForwarder ( ( '' ), ssh_username = 'balcse', ssh_password = '***', remote_bind_address = ( '', 3306 ) ) as tunnel : con = mysql. Import sshtunnel import nnector sshtunnel.

Python mysql ssh tunnel